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Lamborghini Owned By Chris Brown Found Crashed

According to a report by TMZ, a Lamborghini Aventador owned by superstar Chris Brown was recently found in Beverly Hills, mangled beyond repair. Thankfully Brown was not any where near the site or driving the car when it was found (he doesn’t need any more run-ins with the law); in fact, the vehicle had been abandoned after it was crashed and later found by the Los Angeles police department. Brown was not pointed as being behind the crash and no one knows who is at the helm of the accident. In more good news, the accident seems to be a single-car incident, with no victims, and oddly enough, no property damage was reported.

The only apparent victim seems to be Chris Brown, or perhaps his bank account, that may suffer the most damage when it comes to the accident. The singer, who seems to be swimming in the money as of late, reported allows his friends to come and go with his cars as they please, without proper requests to drive his vehicles. Brown will have to pay approximately $400,000 to $500,000 if he plans to replace the Lambo.

Additionally, the car was originally orange when Brown purchased it, yet when the vehicle was found at the scene of the crime it had matted black wrap around it. The car is still registered under the R&B singer’s name, but according to reports, Brown has no recollection of who may have been driving the car at the time of the crash and sadly the car was reduced to metal scraps in this mysterious and horrific car accident.

While Brown’s bank account will surely suffer a huge dent, the only silver lining around the entire incident is the fact that other than losing his beautiful supercar, Brown will seemingly not suffer many consequences around the incident. With no injuries to anyone else or anyone else’s property, the investigation falls low on the totem pole for the LAPD. Hopefully Brown has learned a good lesson, however, when it comes to loaning expensive vehicles so easily to his friends. In the future, he simply should ensure the keys to (all) his cars are stowed safely away from irresponsible hands that may be able to find them.


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